Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, Scotland.
(name derived from "Saugh" the old Scots word for willow and "haugh" for meadow)
Gesso Panel from the Willow Tearooms by Margaret Macdonald (1865-1933)
In Australia, Willows, Salix species are weeds of national significance.Only three species are exempt from noxious weeds legislation .These being Salix babylonica, Salix x calodendron and Salix x reichardtii. It is recommended that even these are not planted either in gardens ,on farms ,near waterways or close to wetlands or bushland. Enjoy the Willow in large public gardens and consider their contribution to sport and art. Cricket bats are made in England from Salix alba 'Caerulea' and Willows have been used as a decorative motif in art for centuries .
Willows are lovely trees. Remember well the pussycat willow in spring in Europe. It is also a very useful tree. The gypsies used to make beautiful brooms and baskets. The gents shirt looks very elegant with the willow pattern. Interesting post about the willow and love the information you give.