Sunday, May 7, 2017

Salvia involucrata 'Bethelli'

            Salvia involucrata 'Bethelii'
Some Salvias turn into monsters overnight and before you know it they have covered three metres of ground and have even taken on the likes of a big clump of Miscanthus  'Cosmopolitan'.
Bethelli is doing its thing most succesfully at the moment and is producing loads of bright cerise pink flowers on the ends of long arching branches. It must be all the rain we had a month or so ago that set off on this growth spurt. Once flowering has finished it can be trimmed back and even given a harder prune next spring so the whole process can start again. It's a ten out of ten shrub for quick growth, hardiness and brilliance of flower.


  1. Thanks for this, Ian will remember this when I next need a space filled quickly

    1. Hi Sue ,It has not been as good at attracting nectar feeding birds compared to other varieties. They seem to like the more open tubular flowers like on 'Phyllis Fancy'
